The concept of time-domain predistortion method based on raised cosine signaling is applied in real transmission channels. The\r\nproposed PWM-RC method uses raised-cosine pulse shaping instead of conventional rectangular digital signals and pulse-width\r\nmodulation (PWM) scheme to achieve better output channel data response in harsh channel environment. The conventional\r\npredistortion methods based on pulse amplitude adjusting are not compatible with modern low-power CMOS design. Currently\r\nexisting time-domain predistortion methods which are only based on a PWM scheme show many highfrequency signal harmonic\r\ncomponents for both fast and slow signal transitions. It can cause more system crosstalk susceptibility if the crosstalk is dominant\r\nfactor in transmission channel. In this case, the additional preemphasis boosted undesirable high-frequency components. Finally,\r\nthe real channel transfer functions in connection with ADS Agilent development studio are used to compare the performance of\r\nproposed method with other predistortion methods.